
We. Empower. Sleep Dentists.

Restfull + Billing Intelligence makes treating sleep-and getting paid-easy with our revolutionary all-in-one platform.

Schedule a call with our experts today to see a live demo of the Restfull platform.

The ONLY sleep software you need.

80% of dentists use 3 or more software platforms to treat their sleep patients. 
Restfull replaces the headache with an easy-to-use, fully-integrated solution.

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Billing Intelligence

With Billing Intelligence, we make eligibility checks, pre-auths, and getting paid claims so easy, we guarantee you get your first claim paid!

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Patient Portal & CRM

Patients today want information and transparency. Give them the access and information they need to help them complete treatment.

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Manage Referrals

Building your referral network and tracking how each referral delivers patients is key to a successful sleep dental practice.